Event and Club Resources
- Google CS First: cs-first.com Even if you do not have the resources to start a full fledged club, you can sign up to be a Guru and support a club near you.
- Scratch Day: day.scratch.mit.edu Share your love for programming with others if only for a day.
- Raspberry Jam: raspberrypi.org/jam Get together with fans of the Raspberry Pi.
- Code Club: codeclub.org.uk Coders in the UK can volunteer here.
- Teamspeak: teamspeak.com An app to talk online.
- Doodle Poll: doodle.com find the best time for your meetings.
- Facebook Groups and Events, Google Calendar, etc.: I know, you probably already thought of this.
On the Web
- YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCFyiJADfvOzc4bxcGpD6kwQ Check out our channel for a plethora of playlists from all over YouTube.
- Scratch: scratch.mit.edu/studios/2085103 Perhaps the easiest programming language to learn and home of one of the most collaborative programming sites, Scratch may be your best bet to get started. Google CS First also uses Scratch. Scratch is included on Raspberry Pi.
- Free Code Camp:freecodecamp.com Just go here.
- Google CS First: cs-first.com Additional training resources for using Scratch.
- Snap: snap.berkeley.edu Similar to Scratch, but more versatile. Allows you to embed JavaScript and other plug-ins in a programming environment similar to Scratch. Since it is built using HTML5 instead of Flash, it can be used on more devices than Scratch.
- Code.org: code.org Offers modules with well known characters and celebrities. Works on tablet. Has links to other resources.
- Khan Acadamy: khanacademy.org Offers JavaScript, SQL, CSS, and HTML tutorials. Great for learning animation.
- W3Schools: w3schools.com Web development programming. JavaScript, SQL, CSS, and HTML. They have certification program.
- Codecademy: codecademy.com interactive. Has a lot of different languages and lots of web development courses.
- Stack Overflow: stackoverflow.com The go to place for questions about coding. You may find your question is already answered.
- Udacity: udacity.com Features free courses, paid courses, and NanoDegree programs.
- Tutorials Point: tutorialspoint.com/java The largest Tutorials Library on the web. I used the Java section while working on the Android App.
- Tizag: tizag.com HTML, CSS, PHP, XML
- CodeCombat: codecombat.com Learn to code in the language of your choice: Python or JavaScript.
- Learn Python the Hard Way: learnpythonthehardway.org/book
- Python School: pythonschool.net Python is one of the easiest languages to learn as a beginner programmer.
- Mr West: mr-west.uk Middle school/junior high curriculum
- Electronics For U: electronicsforu.com Free assembly and machine language books and other resources.
For Tablet
Tablet resources are especially great for young, aspiring coders.
- The Foos: thefoos.com Tablet and browser. Symbolic coding. Make side scrolling platform games and share them.
- Scratch Jr: scratchjr.org Simplified tablet version of Scratch for younger users.
- Run Marco: allcancode.com Similar to Code.org, Run Marco is based on the Blocky language.
- Lightbot: lightbot.com Guide a robot and light tiles with a series of commands.
Cheap Hardware
- Raspberry Pi: raspberrypi.org If you are considering building your own computer lab, Raspberry Pi may be an affordable option with built in coding software.
- Fire: amazon.com/fire While software options are limited, it is one of the most affordable options for young aspiring coders (3+). Look for Peg + Cat's Big Gig, Scratch Jr., and Run Marco in that order.